Day 44: Montrose, CO to Fruita, CO Total Distance: 73.6 mi Moving Avg: 11.8 mph Moving Time: 6:14 Last night in CO. Tomorrow I'll hit Utah! Tomorrow will likely be long, there isn't much in the way of settlement in eastern Utah. I'll also be on the interstate for the first time legally. Today was fairly unremarkable. I've left the ACA route, so no more easy maps. I really wish I had my laptop back, I miss having elevation profiles. I'm entering the desert basically, so I need to start carrying more water now. I did manage to make pretty good time today despite headwinds. I felt like I was in fast mode for most of the day. I blame thicker air and proper nutrition (well, better, at least). I feel like this trip is winding down. It isn't really, I still have about three weeks left. I hope this doesn't mean I'll start wanter it to be over sooner. My freewheel has been acting up recently too. It doesn't freewheel sometimes. This is kinda annoying, but livable. And it was fine for most of today. I may get it replaced next rest day. My rear tire could also use replacement.