Day 55: Battle Mountain, NV to Winnemucca, NV Total Distance: 57.3 mi Moving Avg: 9.4 mph Moving Time: 6:04 Another fairly unremarkable day. Very strong headwinds plagued me for most of the day (except 30 min at the start of the day when I had tailwinds. The same has been true the last couple days. I swear, they are just trying to get my hopes up before dashing them). Somehow, despite being as strong as or stronger than yesterday's, they were less demoralizing. I think it was because the day was shorter and I knew it. It is easier to cope with headwinds when you know you have time to spare. Winnemucca is nowhere near as skeezy as Battle Mountain, but it seems to consist entirely of motels, restaurants, casinos, and gas stations. I also would not want to live here.