Day 16: Marysville, OH to Vandalia, OH Total Distance: 58.7 mi Moving Avg: 9.7 mph Moving Time: 6:01 Climbing: 1750 ft Elev: 0 ft Route Summary: US 36 W to OH 4 S to US 40 W Guess what I got today. It shouldn't be hard. If you guessed "a late start" you are correct! Even later than usual in fact. I tried to get up for the continental breakfast, which would have been really good for me, but failed. Part of me wonders if it is even worth trying to get up early, but I really think it is. I did manage to eat a bit better today, though. I stopped for two meals, plus one in the morning in the hotel and one in the evening hotel. I'm on a cheeseburger diet: I eat about 2-3 cheeseburgers a day. I'm getting kinda tired of cheeseburgers, really. But they tend to be the best option. I sorta wish I had kept track of the number of cheeseburgers I ate, since it would be a fun statistic to keep. I can approximate, I guess, but its not quite the same. I'm almost out of OH, this should be my last night here. I have so many places to stay in IL, 5 in total, but they are all arrainged rather pessimally. I doubt I'll be able to stay in more than two of them. The first is in Champaign, and I just called them and it is all set up. It will be either three very hard days (75+ mi each) or four pretty easy days (60- mi each) to get there. I'm gonna try and make it in three, then take a rest day, since it will be about time for one. Alternativly, if I can't quite make it in three days, but get so close it doesn't make sense to stop, I can press on to Bloomington, where I have another place to day. Tomorrows route should be pretty much the simplest one yet: I take US 40 till I get tired and stop. Today I went through a construction zone where they were putting down fresh blacktop. For the rest of the day, my wheels were covered in asphault. It is really impossible to get off, too! There is still some stuck in the grooves on my rear wheel, but it mostly come off the front wheel and the BOB wheel. People keep asking me whether I am having a good time or not. I'm not sure how to answer. I mean, riding all day with no one to talk to is less exciting barrel of monkeys (actually, a barrel of monekys would be pretty cool, in my personal option, but you know what I mean). So why subject myself to all this if it is not really that fun? Well, I'm still not sure. But I do think it has been worth it so far, even it is hasn't be terribly exciting. I think this is just something I want to do, for some reason. Hopefully, I'll figure out that reason. So anyway, I say yes when people ask if I'm having fun, mostly because I know "are you having fun" is not really what they mean.