Day 35: Dighton, KS to Tribune, KS Total Distance: 72.1 mi Moving Avg: 10.8 mph Moving Time: 6:41 Route Summary: KS 96 W INTERNET! Completely unexected internet. Tribune is a small town, pop of about 800, and the motel is a standard small town motel. I was chatting with the owner as I checked in, and he mentioned a biker that had come through a couple days ago had a laptop and a wireless card and was able to use the internet. I was blown away; he had set up wireless for the motel. Actually, mostly just for himself, but it covers the rooms. So yeah, internet. Cool. Today was a record high: 106 degrees F. As a note, if you ever run into a biker in very hot weather never, under any circumstances, ask "Hot enough for ya?" It's just not cool. The day started with moderate headwinds, but by mid-afternoon they had shifted to tailwinds. I'm not sure if I would have been able to make it this far in headwinds, which would have been bad, since my plans sort of depended on making it to Tribune. But I did make it, so it is all good. I'm now in Mountain time! I'll bet you thought the time zone changed at the KS/CO border, but no! It changes at the Greenly/Wichita county line in KS. I'm not sure quite why, it is within 20 miles of the CO border so its not like it would have been a drastic change to have it be on a state line. But whatever. I continued my one-a-day biker spotting streak. Today was a couple with no trailers, headed to Virginia (the end of the ACA route). We didn't stop to talk.