Day 45: Fruita, CO to Green River, UT Total Distance: 88.9 mi Moving Avg: 10.1 mph Moving Time: 8:46 Oof, today was a hard day! It was long, hot, and had serious headwinds. I left Fruita at a decent hour, but even so I didn't arrive at Green River till sunset. It was also a day of no services, so I broke out the Dromedary again. Even so, I almost ran out of water. I'll pack even more next time. I crossed into Utah a little after noon. Yay! Only three more states to go. I'm getting so close! Utah so far has been quite nice. Lots of scenic beauty and decent drivers. I spent all day on I-70 and despite the high speeds I felt pretty safe with a huge shoulder and nice drivers. Around 5pm I started to bonk and was running out of water. It kinda sucked. I made it to the Utah visitor center however, and they had vending machines. The last stretch of the day was the worst though. First, the front tire developed a slow leak. I was only 10 miles away, so I decided to just keep re-inflating the tire and I'd fix it when I checked in. Then, HUGE headwinds started and I was being chased by a rainstorm (I dont know what it is with me and being chased by rainstorms. I should get paid by areas suffering from drought to bike through and bring rain). Anyway, I made it to Green River exhausted. But the worst bit of today was news from my mom: my replacing the HD in my laptop voided the warranty. No more Apple Care. No more bling. Very sad face. I'm not sure what I'll do. Not have a laptop, I guess. I can't afford a new one (at least, not until I get a job) and fixing bling will be at least $500 and not really worth it. Very sad Nick.